Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Vinegar and Steak

Vinegar and Steak...yes, you read that right.  Sirloin with Balsamic Vinegar on it.  What has my life come to?!?!?!  I am doing great with the fruits, awesome with the proteins, the veggies well (thank God they count tomatoes as veggies), but this whole NO CONDIMENT thing is pure torture!  So tonights dinner consisted of sirloin steak with garlic powder, tomatoes and balsamic vinegar as a condiment.  Take it from me - not good, but better than nothing!  I looked up no-salt marinades online and apparently Mrs. Dash makes some.  My trainer said all in moderation - this girl is gonna need some marinade or dipping sauce or something!!! 

So today at the gym was day 3... it was a little tricky.  My muscles are, well, sore.  I had to break between my reps on the circuit, but I did 15 reps at each machine, except #7 because it was always occupied.  The weird custodian guy with the coffee stalking me didnt help, neither did the other guy who was on the machine directly across from me staring a hole through my...we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say forehead (although I think he was looking a little lower).  But at any rate, I did it.  Again!  I feel less flabby, although I am sure it is all in my head.

As I had suspected the dieting part of this will be the hardest.  I dont like very many foods, but I will keep trying.  The other issue is that fruits and veggies don't last very long, and I need to go to the grocery store again - ick!  But I am 1/5 of the way through phase 1  :)

Current Status - uber rolly poly -.5 lbs and sore (and not feeling very funny)

Monday, November 28, 2011

"Hi! I'm Cathy!"

Well, shit.  Of course your name is Cathy.  Of course you are 5'10" and your entire body could fit in my pants...leg.  But I'm funnier!  So there.  No, really, I am...

Went grocery shopping yesterday.  Spent $114.  Got enough "food" to last 3 days according this diet.  Cathy says its not the amount that is so important as it is the type of food, so we shall see.  If you have any great recipes for beef, chicken, or seafood that requires no salt or basically, anything else, other than fruits and veggies let me know!

Went to the gym today - day 1.  Met Cathy, my trainer, who aside from being skinny, doesnt seem to be a horrible person.  She works in the school system too.  That's the one thing we have in common.  She had me do some warm up cardio (5 min) and then showed me the circuit.  I did 135 lbs leg presses, some weirdo spread eagle thing, tricep and bicep stuff , sit ups, and 4 other things.  Really glad Skinny Cathy wrote it all down so I can remember.  Turns out the dude who sold me on this whole idea was full of well, shit, saying I only needed to go to the gym 3 days a week.  Skinny Cathy says I need cardio 7 days a week (45 minutes) and 3 days of circuit training. 

When I left the gym I was motivated and came home to do 45 minutes of cardio on  my new eliptical (thanks, Shannon!).  I did it!  Well, if seconds were minutes I did it!  I did 57 seconds and wanted to hurt someone.  Think we will have to work up to 45 on the eliptical. 

I came home and had yummy fish and steamed cauliflower and broccoli.  No, really, pretty yummy.  Tomorrow will be the first full day of the diet.  I am going to attempt to eat carrots.  I think they taste like dirt.  Should be fun.  If you see me crying in the corner just yell "Hey, being fat sucks!  Keep up the good work!"  Yum, carrots! 

Current Status - uber rolly poly and currently thinking I wont be able to lift my arms to drive to work tomorrow. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

In the beginning...

On July 25, 1981 at 5:57am, my mother gave birth to a bouncing, chubby, big eyed baby girl...  Ok, I joke, we don't have to go back that far.  I believe that everything you do is connected and that your life path is pretty much layed out for you from the time you are conceived (not that I really want to think about that part!).  That being said - my life path has been pretty amazing!  I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, a fulfilling career, a safe (relatively, anyway) home and an overall great life!

I also have a fairly large butt.  I have been bribed to lose weight, I attempted Weight Watchers, I got a dog so I would have to walk him (instead I just put up a fence!).  Truth is, up until about 2 weeks ago, I was fairly happy being fluffy!  And then I just wasn't anymore!  And in my belief that everything is pre-destined in some way, I came home that day to find an advertisement for OMNI's Biggest Loser Challenge.  Must have been a God Wink :)  So, I signed up.  I start Monday. 

In the meantime, I am attempting to eat everything I can.  All of my favorite foods, because most of them are on the list of "Absolutely Nots" for 15 days.  Anybody wanna go to Outback?  Dockside?  San Jose? 

I started this blog to shamelessly ask for support and encouragement on my Journey to More Awesomeness!  One of my goals obviously is to lose weight, but just be overall healthier.  I also just committed to a 5K late next summer (very, very late summer).  This isn't going to be pretty people.  I LOVE food, and I also LOVE to sit on my keester!  So eating certain foods and going to the gym at least 3 days a week are not really my idea of great!  But hey, it took hard work to get this fat, so its gonna take hard work to get this un-fat. 

So feel free to follow me on this Biggest Challenge Journey and offer up your tips and any words of encouragement.  Also feel free to laugh - I think I'm pretty funny!  Just 2 rules -1) no meanie words (I have enough of those in my own head) and 2) don't hold the swear words against me - I will use them, and if by some chance I don't, know that they are implied! 

Current Status - Uber Rolly Poly