Friday, December 30, 2011

Miss me?

Happy Holidays!  I survived 12 days in Ohio with my family and all the food one fatty could possibly want!  And I didn't gain a pound!  Very proud of myself.  I didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain any - so I'm happy. 

I got new tennis shoes (thanks to the slightly wacky lady at Lucky Shoes) that are super comfy, some insoles to support my flexible flat feet and now I can use the treadmill.  I had been using the bike for my 45 minutes of cardio due to the fact that my shoes sucked, but now I can use the treadmill (one small step closer to that 5k, Sarah).  I started on the treadmill in my parents basement and did some stength training exercises my trainer showed me, but man is that basement depressing.  So I got headphones to use with my Ipod, but of course it wasn't charged, so I got bored quickly.  I probably worked out 6 of the days I was in Ohio.

Finally back in SC, where I belong.  Got back into the gym today.  It felt great!!!  I did 25 minutes on the treadmill, one circuit and 20 minutes on the bike.  I have never been so happy to sweat!  I am supposed to double my circuit reps (from 15 to 30) but I need to see if I am supposed to do 30 at once on each machine or do the whole circuit 2 seperate times.  I am also supposed to double my cardio, from 10 to 20 minutes, but since I am already doing 45, no additional cardio needed. 

Did I mention I can eat real people food?  Thats exciting!  Ketchup - oh, so yummy!  Also, I have poopy pants jeans now!  The weight has come off in the oddest places.  My butt and upper thighs have apparently downsized and now it appears as if I have poop in my drawers!  (But I dont, so no worries!)  I'm a little afraid to try on the size smalled because I dont want to me disappointed...

Ok, must go unpack and think about my new year's resolution.  I think it might be to stop watching the girls on the elyptical and envy their butts (cause without surgery, I will never have that butt!!)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Just Don't Pass Out!

When your session with your personal trainer starts with the phrase "Just don't pass out!" you know you are about to have the time of your life!  Well - a time I did have!  In retrospect it wasn't bad.  But during the session, I really thought about puking just to get out of it.  But turns out that's what fat people do, and I don't wanna be fat people any more.  So today we did 3 rounds of really fun squats with weights, steps with weights, knee kicks and threw 4 lbs balls at each others faces while we galloped down the walkway.  Then we (and by we, I mean, fatso here, while skinny b*&^% counted) did some weights to trim down the back boobs (thank you Jesus!), some chest presses (to help put the girls back where they are supposed to be; Apparently, not where they currently are) and then we walked around the gym using weights to punch out in front of us.  Cathy should consider herself lucky that I didn't use one to punch her!   It was fun!  Like the yearly visit to the doctor fun!

2 MAJOR bonuses today!  I buttoned my shirt.  All. The. Way.  Now, I know what you're thinking.  Torey Anne - You go around with your shirt un-buttoned?  And the answer is... Yes.  Thanks to the wonderfulness that is tank tops!  I (for those of you who know me) have larger than average  hoobala's.  Therefore, I can buy shirts that fit everywhere else, but across the hoobies.  So I normally button up until the bust line and then display my gorgeous Old Navy tank tops (which I spend all day pulling up and down).  But Today - I buttoned it the whole way up!!!!!!  That's right.  No tank top or hoobies hanging out!  Big Stuff (well, littler stuff, but you get the drift). 

Awesome Bonus #2 - I get to have carbs!!!  So for dinner, I had whole wheat spaghetti.  I refuse to allow myself to have the good kind - the regular ole joe schmo white flour pasta.  So, YUM!  It made my day.  I can now have 2 servings of carbs a day and 1 serving of dairy.  Yippee!!  The real bonus here is that I went 15 days without carbs and dairy.  Super Proud of myself. 

Bonus # 3 (I know I said 2, but hang in there).  I have lost 11.5 lbs!! 

I am a little nervous about this phase because it is less scripted and structured, so it is going to be a little stressful trying to see what I can eat and what I can't eat. 

Current Status - Mega-Chubby (but 15% closer to meeting my goal)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


So, I've lost 9 pounds!  That's really exciting!  But I am getting bored.  Anxious for Monday when I get to work with my trainer and "really have some fun!"  I'll probably wanna kill her, because I would guess that her idea of fun and my idea of fun are two very different things.  I am also very excited about the next phase of the diet that I can start on Tuesday. 

Today I learned something about myself.  I have always known that I am an emotional eater (any emotion at all!).  But today, after a poopy day at work I learned that I am a little self sabotaging!  I so bad want to make a big ole pot of spaghetti and down a couple of Pepsi's.  Instead I had a steak and shrimp from Outback - I knew better than to be in my kitchen.  It turns out that not only do I get mad and cranky, I get self-destructive.  I must learn to let things roll of my shoulders before I gain another 50 pounds! 

Oh, and Monday I wore a shirt that I hadn't been able to fit in since I bought it.  Exciting!

Current Status - Rolly Poly  -9lbs + a new (old) shirt!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I honestly thought the hardest part of this whole challenge would be the exercise part.  Not so.  I was very excited about the meal I was making tonight.  Beef tips (marinated in Chili Lime Sauce), with sauteed green peppers, yellow squash and tomatoes and brown rice. sucked.  Turns out I dont really like those veggies either, and I over did the brown rice.  The meat was good, but do you have any idea how small beef tips get when cooked?  Ugh...
I am 6 days into the jumpstart Phase 1 diet, 9 more to go.  Not sure if I am going to make it.  I desperately need cheese, bread, pasta and ketchup!!  Or a lifetime supply of Outback! 

Some things I've noticed about the gym:
Friday nights - empty!
The "Lingerers" - those who use a machine to do like 5 reps and then stop and linger around the machine for 10 minutes, do 5 more reps, linger... you get the point.  I really wanna yell at them - "Dont you have anything better to do!  Get your work out in and get the heck out of here!!!!"
The "Lurkers" - those people who are there and never seem to do anything.  What's up with that?
Inappropriate attire - Working out in jeans, work boots and sweaters = very, very strange!!

So all in all, I've lost 5 lbs, which is exciting.  I feel better, no back pain anymore, my feet dont hurt at the end of the day, I feel more toned up and my pants fit better.  I have more energy and sleep much better!  It appears that I have knees again.  Thats exciting!

Current Status - uber rolly poly - 5lbs and with the addition of what appears to be knees and calf muscles!