Monday, October 28, 2013

My friends...

So I have these friends... I have lots of friends.  I have friends who make me think, I have friends who make me laugh, I have friends who will be there in the middle of the night, I have friends that I love to eat and chat with, and I have friends that want to kill me.  Yes, you read that right, they want to kill me.  Their original attempt to kill me was suggesting that I run a 5k.  The plan was complete with statements like "You can do this!"  "Its only 3 miles!!" "You will do great!" and my favorite "There are no hills!!"  They were right, I could do it, I did do it.  I have done 2 5k's - improving my time on the second one.  But they were also wrong - there was a hill - and when I encountered it - I cursed them!!  But I digress - their plan failed - they didn't kill me. 

So now they have this new plan - a half marathon.  Pregnant friend started it - saying that she will probably walk most of it, due to the fact that she is growing a fetus!  Skinny/young friend supported Pregnant friend, and far-away friend said "If I can do it with no training, you can get ready in 3 months".  Smiley friend of course thinks this a great idea.  So... the first weekend in February - if all goes according to plan, I will once again foil my friends plans to kill me.  I will successfully cross the finish line of the half marathon at New Orleans Rock n Roll. 

Let this be said now - If I finish (without riding on the sag wagon and within the 4 hour timeline) I will wear my medal for a week straight and I will probably change my voicemail greeting to "Hi, you've reached Torey - the half marathoner." And I will also become one of those obnoxious people who bring it up all the time. 

So friends, this is my new challenge.  Obviously, I am hoping with daily cardio mixed with some strength training, I will also lose weight in the process - which will be an added bonus to my new bling!  Feel free to harass me via text, email or Facebook (some support would be helpful too!)  

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